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Light lunch ideas please

(38 Posts)
Judy54 Wed 13-Jul-22 13:54:55

Now that our local supermarket no longer has a deli counter I am struggling to come up with suitable light lunches. I don't mind whether it is sandwich fillings, salad or something on toast. Do any of you have some suggestions for me to try and ring the changes for tasty lunch time alternatives? Thank you.

Witzend Wed 20-Jul-22 22:12:18

I sometimes drain a tin of tuna, mash it with a little mayonnaise and lemon juice, spread on Ryvita. And then eat more than I intended - it’s very tasty!

Shoptruepills Fri 16-Sep-22 10:55:48

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restaurant200 Sat 08-Oct-22 19:43:30

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Madgran77 Sat 08-Oct-22 20:04:50

Slices of mozzarella and tomato, drizzle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar, chopped fresh basil sprinkled over. Delicious!

stevehacks Tue 11-Oct-22 09:08:59

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25Avalon Tue 11-Oct-22 09:17:55


My favourite is avocado on toast. I slice the avocado, cover it in snipped spring onions, sliced baby tomatoes, salt and lots of lemon juice. Pile onto toast and if hungry top with a poached egg. Heaven.

Esspee try mashing it with a little crème fraiche then top with sliced baby tomatoes and a couple of slices of crispy bacon. Also a little added chilli.

Also Muffins with fried egg and brown sauce are another nice light lunch. The ancient grain muffins you can get in Waitrose are very nice.

Sarah74 Tue 11-Oct-22 09:23:10

Scrambled eggs on sourdough toast - mmmm!

Luckygirl3 Tue 11-Oct-22 09:25:21

Wrap with peanut butter inside, then a bit of fruit. Couldn't be easier!

Retread Tue 11-Oct-22 09:31:42

I'm another fan of peanut butter at lunchtime - usually on a piece of home made wholewheat seed bread. Yum.

SunshineSally Tue 11-Oct-22 09:32:13

Cheese and tomato toasties - we have a breville toaster. Just be careful and wait a few minutes before eating as they are very hot- but super tasty ?.

Martinxu Tue 11-Oct-22 09:53:26

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Urmstongran Tue 11-Oct-22 10:20:08
