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Light lunch ideas please

(38 Posts)
Judy54 Wed 13-Jul-22 13:54:55

Now that our local supermarket no longer has a deli counter I am struggling to come up with suitable light lunches. I don't mind whether it is sandwich fillings, salad or something on toast. Do any of you have some suggestions for me to try and ring the changes for tasty lunch time alternatives? Thank you.

Urmstongran Tue 11-Oct-22 10:20:08


Martinxu Tue 11-Oct-22 09:53:26

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SunshineSally Tue 11-Oct-22 09:32:13

Cheese and tomato toasties - we have a breville toaster. Just be careful and wait a few minutes before eating as they are very hot- but super tasty ?.

Retread Tue 11-Oct-22 09:31:42

I'm another fan of peanut butter at lunchtime - usually on a piece of home made wholewheat seed bread. Yum.

Luckygirl3 Tue 11-Oct-22 09:25:21

Wrap with peanut butter inside, then a bit of fruit. Couldn't be easier!

Sarah74 Tue 11-Oct-22 09:23:10

Scrambled eggs on sourdough toast - mmmm!

25Avalon Tue 11-Oct-22 09:17:55


My favourite is avocado on toast. I slice the avocado, cover it in snipped spring onions, sliced baby tomatoes, salt and lots of lemon juice. Pile onto toast and if hungry top with a poached egg. Heaven.

Esspee try mashing it with a little crème fraiche then top with sliced baby tomatoes and a couple of slices of crispy bacon. Also a little added chilli.

Also Muffins with fried egg and brown sauce are another nice light lunch. The ancient grain muffins you can get in Waitrose are very nice.

stevehacks Tue 11-Oct-22 09:08:59

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Madgran77 Sat 08-Oct-22 20:04:50

Slices of mozzarella and tomato, drizzle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar, chopped fresh basil sprinkled over. Delicious!

restaurant200 Sat 08-Oct-22 19:43:30

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Shoptruepills Fri 16-Sep-22 10:55:48

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Witzend Wed 20-Jul-22 22:12:18

I sometimes drain a tin of tuna, mash it with a little mayonnaise and lemon juice, spread on Ryvita. And then eat more than I intended - it’s very tasty!

Doodledog Wed 20-Jul-22 16:19:13

There are some great ideas on this thread. I always plan dinner then am stumped when it's lunchtime and I haven't considered what to have.

For those with air fryers - halloumi is lovely cooked 'hasselback' style. Just cut deep slashes in it but keep the bottom of the block intact, then put it in the fryer on 180 for 10 mins or so (no need for oil) until it has opened like a fan and the top has browned. I cut it in half lengthways for ease of serving.

I often do that with a pack of mediterranean vegetables also cooked in the air fryer. It's a quick and easy lunch and relatively healthy.

MawtheMerrier Wed 20-Jul-22 16:08:49

Pitta bread, lightly toasted under the grill, until they begin to “rise”, cut to open (a bit like an oyster) or alternatively halve then open up, fill with guacamole and chopped tomatoes or taramasalata and chopped or sliced cucumber.

MawtheMerrier Wed 20-Jul-22 16:05:17

Two halves of an avocado, stone removed, cut side down, cut slices into the “back” of each half and insert slices of mozzarella,
Drizzle with a flavoursome vinaigrette.

Witzend Wed 20-Jul-22 11:03:30

Half a pack of halloumi, sliced and fried (just the merest film of oil in the pan) with either sliced apple, peppers and cucumber/any other salad, or a lot of spinach (fresh or frozen) with lemon juice.
Anyone who hasn’t tried lemon juice on spinach, please do! It makes all the difference.

StarDreamer Wed 20-Jul-22 10:58:30

A quickly prepared one, ideal if just coming in on a cold day, but good any day (except in a heatwave).

2 minutes in the microwave cooker for a 250 gramme pack of microwaveable rice. I prefer Tilda basmati.

Empty the heated contents into a pyrex jug or a bowl of some sort.

Add 250 millilitres of Alpro chocolate soya drink, (that has been stored at ambient temperature, not chilled) either on top or round the side, as you choose. (The drink arrives in a pack of 3 individual units, each of 250 millilitres)

Warming and delicious - and prompt.

Franbern Wed 20-Jul-22 10:14:14

For a cheap and healthy pate to make at home.

Chicken Livers, pat dry when defrosted, fry lightly in a small amount of butter. When cool, chop as small as possible. Do NOT put in liquidiser to do this. Best (and easy to do) by hand.

Hard boil an egg - chop or crumble the white in with the cooked chicken liver

Sprinkle the egg yolk on top.

Eat on any sort of cracker.
(Can also do some onion with the livers if required)

BlueBalou Tue 19-Jul-22 12:53:45

Rice cakes with avocado and smoked salmon, lemon juice and black pepper ?
Homemade potato salad, smoked mackerel and a mixed salad
Tomato and mozzarella sliced and dressed with olive oil, wine vinegar, salt pepper and basil leaves
Bulgar wheat salad
Mixed bean salad with salami, cucumber spring onions,feta and tomatoes
Omelette with cheese and ham, frites and mayonnaise ?

dogsmother Tue 19-Jul-22 12:46:49

Sometimes I do a plate with sliced apple, slices of cheddar, a couple of dates a few nuts and a few olives.
Often an omelette varying filings.
Salad bowls a mix of chopped all sorts, with either sardines or tuna on top with a little olive oil and vinegar.

Judy54 Tue 19-Jul-22 12:40:05

Thank you everyone some great ideas here that I will introduce to our lunches to try and make them more interesting.

NotSpaghetti Mon 18-Jul-22 17:38:18

Staffordshire oatcakes folded over cheese tomato and basil into a semi-circle shape ... or mushrooms in creamy sauce in the oatcake..
I heat then in a little butter in a frying pan and flip them over 1/2 way.

Also, olive or mushroom pate is nice for lunch with whatever breads you fancy

M0nica Mon 18-Jul-22 16:35:25

Pate( liver, fish, vegetable), toast and a side salad.

Any cold meat, cheese, fish, eggs etc etc wit salad

Elizabeth27 Mon 18-Jul-22 15:47:11

Hummus and flatbread.

AreWeThereYet Mon 18-Jul-22 15:28:57

We had watermelon and feta salad today. First had it in Greece years ago when it was really hot. Absolutely lovely and refreshing, so long as the watermelon is nice and ripe - not like the one we had to day which was tasteless.