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How to adopt an adult dog

(76 Posts)
Mazgg Sat 18-Nov-23 08:40:51

Following the sad death of one of my beloved dogs I am now ready to give a small adult dog a loving home. My remaining dog is 13 years old and missing her companion too.
The local cat and dog shelter has mainly Staffy and Bully types which are not what I am looking for.
Ideally he/she would be about 5 years old and small enough for me to lift into the car.
I have registered with the nearest Dogs Trust but don't know where else to look. There are LOADS of puppies advertised for sale on the internet no doubt hoping to cash in on Christmas, it's frightening.
I'm not looking for any specific breed and don't want to travel too far, I am in North East England.

Nannarose Sat 18-Nov-23 09:01:38

I'm hoping that someone can give you a specific answer based on where you live. I would ask your local shelter and Dogs' Trust to direct you to a charity that can give you advice.
I know that these exist - a friend has recently adopted an older dog (we are nowhere near you I'm afraid) and the shelter were delighted. They said they get a number of dogs whose older owners die / go into care and they are not always easy to place. This little scrap has blossomed since coming to my friend.
If no-one can help, I'll ask my friend to ask the shelter if they know of others in your area.
I do hope that you and a dog in need can find each other.

Redhead56 Sat 18-Nov-23 09:10:09

We always adopt dogs we have always had two but now just one as we often look after our DD dog. We had an RSPCA and a separate dogs home on our doorstep but they both closed down because of covid. When our beloved dog dies we will have to travel over thirty miles for another little companion.

Sometimes people advertise in the vets for a new home wanted for a loved pet it might be worth an enquiry. It’s a good sign that they have been looked after. You might have to look a bit further a field to find a new companion if you are able.

Jaxjacky Sat 18-Nov-23 09:12:13

I just googled dog rescue centres NE England, there’s quite a few.

rosie1959 Sat 18-Nov-23 09:17:07

If you have an idea what type of breed you would like it would be worth looking at a breed specific rescue.

Juliet27 Sat 18-Nov-23 09:18:42

I tried googling that too….ended up in New England!! 🤭

Tortoiselover Sat 18-Nov-23 09:30:22

Have you looked at The Oldies Club

Athrawes Sat 18-Nov-23 10:00:49

I'd love another dog - an older one would be ideal as I can't walk far but we have a big garden. We have a short holiday every year and can't take a pet with us unfortunately so I'm hoping to 'share' a dog with a friend or at least have one come and visit me on a regular basis

keepcalmandcavachon Sat 18-Nov-23 10:02:00

Magzz,dont give up on this, I waited/searched for my little darling for 6 months. Sometimes felt like I'd never find the 'one'. I did!
Somewhere out there a little lovey is waiting for yousunshine
Rescue is the Best Breed in the World.

Georgesgran Sat 18-Nov-23 11:00:00

What a lovely message keep calm. X

Dee1012 Sat 18-Nov-23 11:08:27

I'm in the North East and these have a pretty good reputation;

Tizliz Sat 18-Nov-23 12:07:33

Try here

Fleurpepper Sun 19-Nov-23 12:00:35


*Magzz*,dont give up on this, I waited/searched for my little darling for 6 months. Sometimes felt like I'd never find the 'one'. I did!
Somewhere out there a little lovey is waiting for yousunshine
Rescue is the Best Breed in the World.

this 1000 x

from Princesse Yata - who has been with us for 9 months and who is so content and trusting now- and pure joy for us (and great for health as come sun or sunshine, out we go for a good walk every day, and often, several hours (big fenced garden whenever she wants).

Mamissimo Sun 19-Nov-23 13:22:47

We are going through this at the moment and I have found Pets 4 Homes to be useful. You can search by breed and select the adopt option - and filter by age. The owners trying to rehome their pets seem to be trying to avoid the dog shelters.

We are going to meet a dog tomorrow - I have been able to chat with the owner and I am confident she is genuine. I already know far more about the dog than a dog shelter would.

We have had several dogs of the same breed and, like OP we didn't want a Staffie or a fashionable over bred dog.

Fingers crossed that you find a 🐕

Mollygo Sun 19-Nov-23 13:33:44

Hope you find one Mazgg. The Dogs Trust were running a fund raiser in Booths last week, but when I asked about rehoming one called Fidget, she said they were collecting for dogs who weren’t likely to be rehomed.

Mazgg Sun 19-Nov-23 18:10:11

Thank you all so much for your kind and encouraging words.

Iam64 Sun 19-Nov-23 18:23:09

There are breed specific rescues. Doodle Trust and Doodle rescue place relinquished dog with experienced foster carers. Dogs are cared for and assessed before matching for adoption, lots of small poodle crosses and often lovely little dogs. Spaniels/.

ceejayjay Thu 23-Nov-23 06:46:04

Many tears animal rescue are amazing. Based in wales with fosterers all over Uk. Rehome thousands of dogs a year. My little girl came from there and it’s outstanding. Message me if you need advice 😊

ceejayjay Thu 23-Nov-23 06:46:37

ceejayjay Thu 23-Nov-23 06:49:03

Just to add to what someone else said, rescue is so rewarding. Saving 2 lives. The one you rescue and the one you make space for by taking yours from the kennels <3

Mazgg Thu 23-Nov-23 10:20:01

No joy up to now. I think it is going to be harder than I thought as I have an elderly dog and grandchildren who visit regularly.

Georgesgran Thu 23-Nov-23 10:26:54

This may sound stupid, but I’m puzzled at TV ads by the RSPCA and Dogs Trust saying they’re overwhelmed by unwanted pets - there was a news report on TV last night too about huge numbers of dogs - often designer breeds - being abandoned and yet so many people seem able to offer a second chance for these animals, but are thwarted at every turn. In the end, it’s the animal who suffers, perhaps lonely and stressed in strange surroundings and kenneled for the first time in its life?

Germanshepherdsmum Thu 23-Nov-23 10:29:35

Rescue centres are unlikely to allow anyone to adopt a dog if they have young grandchildren visiting regularly.

Germanshepherdsmum Thu 23-Nov-23 10:56:18

There are various reasons why a rescue centre may refuse to allow someone to adopt, Georgesgran. Young children living with you or visiting regularly, the presence of an existing pet in the home (many don’t get on with other animals), living in an unsuitable property (eg no, or very small, garden), lack of experience with the desired breed, lack of ability to provide exercise, age (is it likely that you will outlive the animal or become unable to care for them?), or insufficient funds to give the animal proper care - the older the animal, and the more unknown its background, the more expensive insurance to cover vet fees. It’s sad for the vast number of animals languishing in kennels, but proper and responsible enquiries of the circumstances of would-be adopters so often reveal that they cannot provide what the animal needs. My current dog is a case in point, others had applied to adopt her but had been turned down - she loves people of all ages but hates other dogs and, given her size and strength, would easily kill them. We are experienced owners of German shepherds - they are not for the novice, those without the strength to control them or those on a limited budget, but many people find them desirable because of their intelligence, protective abilities and good looks. The same applies to many other breeds I’m sure. Rescue centres are, sadly, used to people bringing animals back because the adopters didn’t know what they were letting themselves in for - and the animal doesn’t understand what went wrong. They try to prevent such situations and, of course, people being harmed.

karmalady Thu 23-Nov-23 11:04:00

I have been watching on channel 18 at 7pm, the dog house, dogs are very carefully re-homed and they decide on potentially the perfect match. It is wood green but people seem to go there from all over