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Pedants' corner


(55 Posts)
Wheniwasyourage Sun 29-Jul-12 19:43:37

When I become world president, nobody under the age of 30 is going to be allowed to use the word "like" in any context at all, including that of affection. On a train the other day I couldn't help hearing the conversation of a couple of young women who were, apparently, about to go to university (and so one would assume that they had had some education aready), and it seemed as if every second word was "like". We all have verbal tics from time to time, but this one has been going on for years and doesn't seem to be dying out at all. Does anyone have any ideas about how we could persuade the young to stop wasting their breath in this way? Could we perhaps tax the use of the word? It might solve the recession.

vampirequeen Sun 29-Jul-12 20:46:40

Can we add adverbs to like? Real is not an adverb. Really is an adverb. It seems that people just don't understand this. Rather than grate on me every time they say it I'd rather it was banned.

Maniac Mon 30-Jul-12 10:30:43

I so agree about excessive use of 'like'.I could scream.
Even worse is 'kind of like' or 'sort of like'
Did you see a recent Graham Norton programme when the
wonderful Miriam Margolis reprimanded a young pop star guest for inappropriate use of 'like'.A very hilarious interchange.
I've often thought that a fine for every time 'like' or 'kind of' was used could raise a lot of money on Red Nose Day.

Barrow Mon 30-Jul-12 12:14:10

My pet two pet hates are "yeah" spoken like a question at the end of a sentence amd "you know" again spoken like a question - makes me want to give the speaker a good slap!!

GillieB Mon 30-Jul-12 12:19:34

New pet hate of the moment - medalling. Please, please, please can the commentators just say - "so and so has won a (hopefully!) gold medal.

Joan Mon 30-Jul-12 13:57:51

I have to admit I dislike the use of 'like' when it is used to quote what someone said. For example, instead of saying : "I was saying xyz", they say "I was like xyx".

I also dislike the use of many words when one or two will do. The most famous one, I suppose, is 'at this moment in time' when they really mean 'now'.

When I worked in the civil service in the 60s and 70s I loved it when a certain little note was changed, which we used for forwarding paperwork that had been misdirected. The original one said something like: 'The accompanying communication appears to have been inadvertently sent to the wrong place and is therefore forwarded to you herewith, for appropriate action'. The new one said: 'This seems to be yours'.

A personal niggle is 'listen up'. We used to just 'listen' until the Americans got in on the act. I know, I know: language changes and there is lots of leakage between the various Englishes, which can be a good thing, but do we really have to add unnecessary words?

Greatnan Mon 30-Jul-12 15:02:55

I did hear an explanation for 'listen up', which was that 'listen' on its own was not enough to gain attention as your voice goes down on the second syllable.

Grammar Mon 30-Jul-12 15:27:25

I agree wholeheartedly with GillieB about 'medalling'. Surely the use of nouns as verbs, or verbs as nouns should be discouraged. Another of my pet hates is 'a big ask.'

sylvia1231 Tue 31-Jul-12 08:36:45

WOW, Oh My God and Amazing.
And does the letter T still exist?

Annobel Tue 31-Jul-12 09:30:27

Where did the expression 'a space of time' come from? Think about it. hmm

Grannybug Tue 31-Jul-12 09:45:19

As it were! Grrrrsad

PRINTMISS Tue 31-Jul-12 11:16:13

And what about 'th' - and perhaps absolutely

jeni Wed 01-Aug-12 08:16:08

Medicalise,incentivise,just two of about six of these examples of mistreatment of the English language on radio 4 in the last two days! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Elegran Wed 01-Aug-12 09:17:07

Examples of jargonisation. Should be incineratorised.

Nonu Wed 01-Aug-12 09:41:21

You are a card ! LOL

jeni Wed 01-Aug-12 09:46:00

grin well better be getting on with work!

Grannylin Wed 01-Aug-12 10:39:00

Found Zara Phillips quite difficult to listen to, yesterday, without the odd cringe.

Faye Wed 01-Aug-12 18:36:39

When did bloods slip in, what happened to blood test. confused

Anagram Wed 01-Aug-12 18:45:52

Didn't that start out as a sort of hospital/nursing staff abbreviation, though, Faye?

jeni Wed 01-Aug-12 19:27:02

Yup! It's me speak, innit?

Anagram Wed 01-Aug-12 19:28:05


Nonu Sat 04-Aug-12 21:40:42

JENI u always seem to hit the right spot . flag

Mamie Sun 05-Aug-12 07:28:28

We saw "Thanks to all our donators" outside a charity shop last week. Their donors must be a bit put out...

Bags Sun 05-Aug-12 09:24:57

'Like'-bespattered speech irritates me too, but it's just, like, a new cool dude thing for the younguns wink.

absentgrana Sun 05-Aug-12 10:33:31

Not only are we subjected to "to medal" during these Olympics, but also "to podium" and "to gold/silver/bronze"