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Rape in Egypt

(27 Posts)
bluebell Wed 27-Nov-13 13:44:36

How could the FCO staff EVER have behaved like this in the first place? I am truly shocked.

bluebell Wed 27-Nov-13 13:44:55

Brendawymms Wed 27-Nov-13 14:10:27

Disgraceful behaviour, or rather lack of by the Embassy staff in Egypt but I am not totally surprised or is that just me being cynical. sad

bluebell Wed 27-Nov-13 14:19:00

I'm trying to understand how they could possibly have behaved like that.
I'd like to know more and what if any disciplinary action was taken? They actually put her life at risk

gracesmum Wed 27-Nov-13 15:05:30

Words fail me - repeatable ones at any rate. angry

Mishap Wed 27-Nov-13 15:39:09

Oh dear - this is all very sad - that poor woman.

absent Wed 27-Nov-13 17:54:15

Come, come. The nice chaps at the embassy have said sorry and generously given her £1,000 – I expect they passed the hat – so what is all the fuss about?

bluebell Wed 27-Nov-13 18:14:16

Chaps being the operative word!

Eloethan Wed 27-Nov-13 18:29:38

They were probably too busy arranging cocktail evenings and parties - for diplomatic purposes of course.

Agus Wed 27-Nov-13 20:05:48

I know where I would have told them to put their £1,000. Bloody insult!

bluebell Wed 27-Nov-13 20:30:07

Expect she asked for it anyway - do- gooding around in that sort of culture

Nonu Wed 27-Nov-13 20:56:27

That is a bit harsh , Blubell I am sure she did not ask for it !!!!!!
Sad you would even think to say it !!!

Brendawymms Wed 27-Nov-13 20:57:19

Naughty bluebell you don't mean it.....I hope.

bluebell Wed 27-Nov-13 21:02:05

Oh Nonu - I despair ! I am trying to come up with theories as to why that bunch of ...... in the Embassy failed so appallingly.

bluebell Wed 27-Nov-13 21:03:22

And anyway, she clearly didn't go to the right school....

bluebell Wed 27-Nov-13 21:03:58

Like I said , served her right. She should have been a chap

Aka Wed 27-Nov-13 21:08:42

Not something I find amusing or a subject for black humour.

Ana Wed 27-Nov-13 21:14:01

I'd call it sarcasm - bluebell's good at that.

absent Thu 28-Nov-13 21:19:16

There's humour and humour. Jonathan Swift – not that I would put our literary efforts in quite the same class – was capable of humorous extreme irony (rather than sarcasm) prompted by "savage indignation". If it was good enough for him…

annodomini Thu 28-Nov-13 21:45:00

It's irony, for goodness' sake! Quite different from sarcasm.

Ana Thu 28-Nov-13 21:50:19

That's debatable, anno.

Ana Thu 28-Nov-13 21:54:34

But of course, you and absent know best...hmm

Sel Thu 28-Nov-13 23:08:25

Chaps, wrong schools, cocktail parties - chips on shoulders ladies?

bluebell Fri 29-Nov-13 00:13:53

Yes Ana, they do know best. Perhaps you, Aka and Sel could come up with some reasons as to why this woman was let down so badly by the Embassy - and whilst you're at it Ana, why don't you explain to us all the difference between irony and sarcasm and why my comments were the latter and not the former- but you won't of course because you delight in one liners and eschew any meaningful debate - I do so wonder why ( last comment was sarcasm by the way)

Penstemmon Fri 29-Nov-13 16:26:22

Anyone who has seen bluebellpost before will know she would abhor the situation at the embassy and that her comments were meant ironically. A bit disingenuous of anyone to suggest otherwise. I did not read the comments in anyway as making light of the situation...simply sad despair and anger!