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Cliff Richard - shock!

(188 Posts)
kittylester Thu 14-Aug-14 14:15:00

I heard on the 1 o'clock news that police are searching the Berkshire home of Cliff Richard regarding an alleged sex offence with a boy, aged under 16, dating back to the 1980's.

DD3 aged 27 is in shock and was heard to say 'What is the world coming to, it will be Terry Wogan and Bruce Forsyth next!'

It will be interesting to see whether the fact that it has been reported on television brings any more victims to the fore.

Anya Thu 16-Jun-16 16:53:34

I'm no Cliff fan, but what happened to innocent unless proved guilty?

jinglbellsfrocks Thu 16-Jun-16 16:54:42

I've still got Livin' Doll on vinyl. I'll play that over and over.

jinglbellsfrocks Thu 16-Jun-16 16:55:10

Oh shoot! No record player. [smle]

breeze Thu 16-Jun-16 16:56:16

Sorry Nonnie. Can't bear to click on the link. Please don't make me! It could be the dreaded Christmas song, shiver, it could be the one where he is dressed all in leather bopping away with a bit of designer stubble, or, da da da, singing Summer Holiday all jolly. My ears, my ears!!!

Nonnie1 Thu 16-Jun-16 17:05:47

Breeze well you should it's really lovely

Some people eh?

breeze Thu 16-Jun-16 17:14:44

We'll have to agree to disagree musically but I'm with you on what's happened to him (and others) re the slur on his reputation Nonnie. It was very wrong to make it public before any proof.

POGS Thu 16-Jun-16 17:32:07

The problem is there is a seemingly open desire in a lot of cases for the 'Kangaroo Court' syndrome.

You have to look no further than the failed attempts to discredit the reputations of the likes of Leon Brittan/Christopher Jeferries for example. It's a very difficult call to make as on one hand it is a travesty of justice to name without enough evidence and the other hand says but it might bring forward potential witnesses. Both fall flat on their face when it is tantamount to a withch hunt or as with Cliff so openly collusion on behalf of the Police with the press from the outset when entering his home.

I will not argue that the wording in such apologies if taken literally verges on vocal dexterity but it is now so common place I do see it as 'a conclusion' and a statement of all innocence.

numberplease Thu 16-Jun-16 21:40:00

Sorry *Breeze, I LOVE Mistletoe and Wine!

whitewave Thu 16-Jun-16 21:57:00

I prefered Elvis

Jomarie Thu 16-Jun-16 22:05:09

Nice one whitewave grin

Anniebach Thu 16-Jun-16 22:17:40

And I prefer Willie Neleon

merlotgran Thu 16-Jun-16 22:25:46

The opening bars of 'Move It' remind me of my first weekend home from boarding school. My brother was playing it as I walked in the door and I briefly changed allegiance from Elvis to Cliff.