Gransnet forums


Grand Prix

(78 Posts)
Josianne Sat 11-Dec-21 14:12:14

With Max on pole tomorrow this is going to be an exciting race. I think Lewis and Mercedes might just win, but you never know.

Josianne Tue 14-Dec-21 10:44:55

Having a go?
Observations on her over exuberance maybe. She did encourage her husband to say a big thank you to all the wives and partners who put up with the team's long periods away from home.

Aveline Tue 14-Dec-21 15:07:54

Hearing all the hype about the Grand Prix reminded me to look up the recording of Peter Ustinov's 'Grand Prix of Gibraltar'. He does all the voices and engine noises. He was so talented and funny. If you'd like an aural treat look for this. I found it on Spotify but I expect it's in YouTube too.
I listened to it on my boring walk today and just seemed to speed round with a huge smile and various guffaws! Passers by looked worried.