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Do you remember wayback when.........

(213 Posts)
toscalily Fri 12-Aug-22 14:32:47

and I mean years ago, Gransnet was newer, brighter, more tolerant, less dictatorial, more interesting, and mixed in with the serious conversations there were generally some lighthearted, funnier threads.... reading today it seems to have lost something?

Barmeyoldbat Sat 03-Sep-22 21:53:58

Blossoming, I don’t think you fall into any of them.

Blossoming Sat 03-Sep-22 21:52:13

I’m worried now which of those equally unpleasant categories I fall into. Time to sign out.

M0nica Sat 03-Sep-22 21:14:14

I have always been ready to stand up for myself, and others where appropriate. Teachers at school noticed this and put me in the debating team, and I have really gone on from there.

My DiL commented recently that we can have a good argument, mainly on social issues and as soon as it is over. I immediately become my normal friendly self again. I hope I do that on GN.

I know that at times, I have been arguing with someone on ine thread, while completely agreeing with them on another.

Unlike GSM, I am not a lawyer, but my workng life did require me persuade other people to do things for me, where I had no authority and I had to rely on building a good rapport with them to get my job done.

Germanshepherdsmum Sat 03-Sep-22 10:15:57

You may have a point there. I suppose I engaged in a lot of negotiation during my working life and outright confrontation had to be avoided if a result was to be achieved (I wasn’t a litigator!).

Galaxy Sat 03-Sep-22 10:04:53

I wonder how much our experience of debate impacts how we respond online. I have always had very feisty political debates with my dad, I remember once in my twenties a friend being present during one of our 'disagreements', afterwards she asked if I was alright, I had no idea what she was referring to, but she thought disagreeing = falling out.

Germanshepherdsmum Sat 03-Sep-22 09:49:39

Thank you Galaxy. Much appreciated and reciprocated.

Galaxy Sat 03-Sep-22 09:45:20

I have fought like cat and dog with GSM on a number of issues grin, she has always been utterly reasonable in her disagreements with me.

Germanshepherdsmum Sat 03-Sep-22 09:44:45

Thank you Vintagejazz. That’s very kind of you.

Vintagejazz Sat 03-Sep-22 09:33:57

I agree Mollygro. I have a real issue with those sweetness and light but really getting a dig in posts.
Germanshepherdsmum was one of the posters I was thinking of when I said there are some posters I can disagree with on one thread and happily agree with on another. I never see snideness, grudge bearing or passive aggressive digs in her posts.

VioletSky Sat 03-Sep-22 09:12:56

Don't mind me, I'm just pretending to be sweetness and light rather than a normal human being that has opinions about stuff and is always nice to nice people lol

Baggs Sat 03-Sep-22 09:07:37

So for me it's about distracting myself from the dismalness of what's in the paper. Think I'll go and read a book or do a painting. ?

Baggs Sat 03-Sep-22 09:06:25

This has turned into one of those threads where, if you read it upside-down (newest posts first; I should probably say newest few cos I do read more than one) as I do, you haven't a clue what it's about. You thought you did last time you visited but clearly you didn't.

All that comes across is bickering about who said (and meant) what when and why. Oh well. Hey ho.

Germanshepherdsmum Sat 03-Sep-22 08:59:30

I’m not going to get into an argument with you Barmey and I’m not going to spend time re-reading the thread. My recollection is very clear, as is Doodledog’s, but as HM said, recollections may vary.

Barmeyoldbat Sat 03-Sep-22 08:50:17

Yes blimey Violetsky, that was my thought, a poster asked a question and I answered it. I have looked at the posts again and I explained right at the beginning what steps we had undertaken, so I fail to understand what other information I gave that changed your mind GSM and nowhere did you say it wasn’t fraud.

Germanshepherdsmum Sat 03-Sep-22 08:42:40

Thank you Sara, I appreciate you saying that.

Sara1954 Sat 03-Sep-22 07:39:42

Very sorry if I have caused any offence, most certainly not aimed at you.
Just commenting that sometimes some people do seem to like the sound of their own voices a little too much.

Mollygo Sat 03-Sep-22 04:39:39


No problem. There are so many accusations flying about just now, and it's making GN rather unpleasant. If people are going to say things about others they at least need to be accurate.

It’s true-and those PA posts where a poster pretends to be sweetness and light are equally disturbing.

VioletSky Fri 02-Sep-22 23:51:07

If people applied their own comments to themselves, gransnet would be unicorns and rainbows.

Truly baffling

VioletSky Fri 02-Sep-22 23:49:37


Doodledog Fri 02-Sep-22 22:42:33

No problem. There are so many accusations flying about just now, and it's making GN rather unpleasant. If people are going to say things about others they at least need to be accurate.

Germanshepherdsmum Fri 02-Sep-22 22:32:35

Thanks Doodledog. I’m grateful for your clarification.

Doodledog Fri 02-Sep-22 22:28:33

I was on that thread, and GSM is right. There was some confusion on that thread, as (to my untrained eye at least) the problem with the topic under discussion is that too much relies on an interpretation of motive, so that two people could do the same thing with the same result, but if the motives are different the legal situation would be different. I think that is very unfair, which is basically what we were talking about, but GSM did withdraw her comments about fraud when she realised the reality of your situation, Barmeyoldbat.

Germanshepherdsmum Fri 02-Sep-22 22:19:06


Wheniwasyounger, I know who you referring about legal advice and whilst I have had much respect for some of advice I do at times find her wholly bossy and a know all. This came after I was told by her that what I had done was fraudulent, despite a legal team setting it up and being in my opinion offences about my granddaughters choice of work. I took a great deal flack from her and others who followed. Though I was grateful that a few stood up for me. It did make me want to leave but I am still here

With respect, the action which you talked about, and which I said would fraudulent, later transpired not to be the action which you had taken, which was perfectly in order. Had you accurately described what you had done there would have been no misunderstanding or ‘flack’. I don’t wish to argue, merely to set the record straight.
I trust that wasn’t aimed at me Sara. If it was you’re way off the mark.
These are the sort of comments that spoil GN.

Galaxy Fri 02-Sep-22 19:33:32

That's my field of work as well but I always appreciate her input.

Galaxy Fri 02-Sep-22 19:32:51

I think there is a poster with a comprehensive knowledge of child safeguarding, I find her posts really helpful.