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(3 Posts)
mokryna Fri 02-Dec-22 12:21:33

I have been listening to BBC radio 4 all morning, as I normally do everyday. However there is the program broadcasting at the moment titled ‘FDR's Four Freedoms’ , which is being blocked for my ears ‘due to rights restrictions this part of the program is unavailable’ both on my radio and iPad.
I find it a bit peculiar that that such an important speech in history has has been blocked for one reason or another (money?). I feel like I am back in China.

Gin Fri 02-Dec-22 13:03:47

In what part of the globe are you? I listened to it with great interest. If only all the world had listened to these aims of FDR the world would be a very different place.

mokryna Fri 02-Dec-22 13:36:43

gin Thank you, France that’s why I thought it strange.