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Dishwasher tablets

(6 Posts)
annodomini Sat 06-Jun-15 21:58:13

Do you find that there's a difference between the many brands of dishwasher tablets available nowadays? Waitrose had their 'optimum performance' tabs on offer a few weeks ago and I really can't see the difference between those and the cheaper Lidl's product I was using before. What would be your recommendation as best buy?

soontobe Sat 06-Jun-15 22:05:31

Fairy tablets for my machine seem to be the best. After that, it doesnt seem to matter, so any cheap ones.

jeanie99 Sat 06-Jun-15 22:40:20

I buy the cheapest tablets and my wash is always spotless, but I do wash on the hot cycle most times.

I do find the one thing you need to top up is the salt, if this is low the stains don't come off cups.

HildaW Sun 07-Jun-15 14:59:29

After checking them out because GoodHousekeeping waxed lyrical about them, we stick to Morrisons....though when a big brand has a really good offer I sometimes dabble.

I steer clear of cheap clothes washing powders however, as we've had a few irritated skin episodes.

Bez Sun 07-Jun-15 15:25:59

I have only used Finished and never the combined ones -so use salt and rinse aid too - I saw long ago that it was better for the machine to have the stuff all dispensed as needed by the machine rather than all in one tablet when it is a bit random when it is used.

rosesarered Sun 07-Jun-15 19:55:20

We use Finish as well, and always top up salt and rinse aid when it's needed.We look for the best buys in Finish though and they do vary, always look for the tiny print on the supermarket shelf which states how much per tablet.When we find a good buy we get about 3 packs.