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marks left on carpet by brass fender

(6 Posts)
Canarygirl1 Thu 30-Apr-15 22:25:03

now lurking in the loft is a heavy ornate brass fender which I just refuse to clean every week any more, sadly it has left a yellowish mark on my pale green carpet. I have tried carpet cleaner ,wul, scrubbing and it drives me mad every tine I walk in the room. DH says its invisible - he requires new glasses!! Any ideas to shift this mark please and does anyone want a fender!

soontobe Fri 01-May-15 11:33:29

No thanks!
Ask at a shop where they sell them?

jollyg Fri 01-May-15 11:57:22

Buy a small rug sized to cover the offending marks

loopylou Fri 01-May-15 14:45:27

Clean with lemon juice and salt, also works well with copper, outside and rinse off with water.
The marks are possibly from the brass cleaner?
Look at Stain Devils to see if there's an all purpose one and try on a little bit of the mark?

Canarygirl1 Fri 01-May-15 20:29:29

Thank you for replies have tried a rug but it walks up over the grate stones even with rug fleece or grippy thingys under it. Had not thought of lemon and salt and will try that in the morning. Yes the marks are from the brass cleaner. I hate that fender!

Canarygirl1 Fri 01-May-15 20:30:37

And who was the idiot who thought a brass letterbox was a good cunning plan - never learn do I !