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Large pots. What plants?

(15 Posts)
Namsnanny Wed 19-Oct-22 10:09:16

I for one would love to see a photo of the finished project, karmalady. I at all possible?

Lovely cherry minimoon, especially the autumn foliage. Hasn't it done well in that pot?
Do you know the name of it?

VB000 Wed 19-Oct-22 10:08:51

Some really good ideas here - my verbena B was given the Chelsea chop and that stopped them getting so tall...

lixy Wed 19-Oct-22 09:53:04

It was a really good year for figs around here this year - here's hoping yours is productive too. It should do well sheltered by the wall.
I have a mini-fig that I acquired this year so I'm looking forward to seeing how that goes next year.

karmalady Wed 19-Oct-22 08:26:29

The plants are in and look lovely. The brown turkey fig was an excellent buy via ebay. I have never grown a fig but the leaves look perfect in that position and it will eventually be tied to the trellis

karmalady Sun 16-Oct-22 13:31:10

Thank you for all your replies. I have rosemary in the ground at the front, it is thriving and I never watered them

I had verbena B in the ground but got fed up of it bending right over. I bought if to support butterflies but no longer needed it as my whole garden is maturing as butterfly and bee friendly

I emptied those two big pots and consequentially have done some shuffling on the patios. Big and L shaped. A lot of patio faces south. Those pots are now s facing and in front of a pale wall

I spent the morning filling all my 5 large pots with a mix of JI3 and grit and decided to take the easy route as I want to be able to leave the pots alone for years. I ordered some more agapanthus fireworks. I need to look ahead to hot dry summers and the agapanthus I already have in smaller pots have not needed any care, as well as looking lovely

I will now have 4 large pots of fireworks and one pot with a brown turkey fig. Fireworks is hardy and max 60cm tall so the fig will be accomodated nicely along the wall as it grows

I am really grateful to you for taking the time to give me your thoughts

MiniMoon Sun 16-Oct-22 11:10:42

Bea65, sorry I have no idea. It was an anniversary gift from friends.
It's been in that pot for about 5 years and is doing really well.

ParlorGames Sun 16-Oct-22 10:54:50

Rosemary or lavender

AskAlice Sun 16-Oct-22 10:52:40

How about bamboos? The clump forming ones, not the giant running types...

Bea65 Sun 16-Oct-22 10:49:29

MiniMoon how gorgeous..was it very expensive..small budget

MiniMoon Sun 16-Oct-22 10:44:09

How about a cherry tree for one of the east facing pots. We have one which does very well. Our house faces east. Here are a couple of photos of it. One spring, the other autumn.

Visgir1 Sun 16-Oct-22 10:12:49


A Fatsia Japonica would fit the bill and be a statement.

Agree. Easy plants tho hate it too hot as I found out for the first time this summer.
Also expensive but looks great. (British weather tolerant ) Palm tree slow growing just occasionally feed.

lixy Sun 16-Oct-22 10:05:19

Verbena bonariensis surprised me by doing very well in pots this year.

I bought a packet of 40 seeds, expected maybe 4 or 5 plants as I'd heard that they were 'difficult' but the whole lot came up and I ran out of garden space! I put five plants in each of 2 self-watering troughs and they have flowered away all Summer. Underplanted with bright red pelargoniums for full shock effect.

Rosemary was my first thought when I read your message, maybe underplanted with a thyme?

J52 Sun 16-Oct-22 10:01:39

A Fatsia Japonica would fit the bill and be a statement.

RichmondPark1 Sun 16-Oct-22 09:55:38

If Acers hate one thing it's wind as you've found.

Rosemary might be a good bet. Drought tolerant, scented, pretty flowers and you can eat it!
Cordylines might be a good idea too.

Pleased to hear the 'pants' in your soil are doing well grin.

karmalady Sun 16-Oct-22 09:48:10

east facing patio, mostly nice and sunny but gets a wind battering at times. I have two japanese acers but they are not doing anything for me. Wind damaged leaves and shoots

Two 12 x 12 x 12 self watering pots. I want to replace the acers with plants that will survive easily in a hot summer in these pots.

I have 3 similar pots that had roses in them and they were struggling in their very warm s facing position. Now in the ground and I will be replacing with a fig and agapanthus. My other smaller pots have dwarf lavenders. I am aiming for easy care, drought tolerant

Other pants in my soil are doing very well. Flowers from echinaces, dozens of them , roses and sedum

The 2 pots are problematic, don`t want to add to the lavenders. Ideas are very welcome.

I could add more agapanthus I suppose but they would have to be the hardy ones, the same really that I have ordered for the s facing wall. Fireworks