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(2 Posts)
MelAnt2 Mon 28-Feb-22 14:07:32

My 16-year old grandson has ADHD and is causing many problems at the moment. He has been excluded from school on more than one occasion, and is always angry and losing his temper with his family. He was recently involved in a fight, sustaining a black eye and a lump on his head. I am desperately worried that he is going to get stabbed or end up in prison. He has two loving parents and sisters , but my daughter feels she has lost him. He has recently been medicated to try and calm him down to take his GCSEs, but I’m not sure if this is making any difference. He definitely needs help, but I’m wondering what form this should take?

Grandmabatty Mon 28-Feb-22 14:41:26

Does he visit you? Is he angry when he's with you? I would invite him for tea or lunch and say nothing about the fight etc but have a pleasant conversation. I would listen to him and take on board what he's saying. If you begin to criticise, he most likely will shut down. His parents should be working with the school and asking for family support from them. ADHD medication can take a while to settle down. Perhaps the dosage needs tweaked. Perhaps he is angry at being seen as different. Maybe his parents can access a good male role model for him. Does he play a sport? A really good coach can help. The key is listening, I think.