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Women Bishops!

(140 Posts)
JessM Mon 14-Jul-14 18:25:09

Congratulations to the Church of England - the synod have voted YES to women bishops.

Iam64 Mon 14-Jul-14 18:25:59

Yes indeed, not before time. I wish Archbishop Tutu was the Archbishop of Canterbury.

HildaW Mon 14-Jul-14 18:28:06

About time!

JessM Mon 14-Jul-14 19:22:04

I expect the queen will be pleased as her personal chaplain is a woman.

rosesarered Mon 14-Jul-14 20:24:26

It sure is about time! You would have thought they were considering allowing chimps to become bishops.Which is of course, the way that some of them think of it.

jinglbellsfrocks Mon 14-Jul-14 22:04:12

I don't really feel right with women priests. Or vicars either. I know it's old fashioned, and there's no actual sense to feeling like this. But I just can't accept it.

Galen Mon 14-Jul-14 22:40:17

Actually Jingle although I'm a 'liberated' woman (but still with a bra) I agree with you!
Our ex rectum rector said that of course I would agree with him on the right of women to be ordained. He was very surprised when I said NO!
He thought as a female doctor I would automatically agree.
I have never met a female vicar I liked or felt even remotely comfortable with as a person or a cleric.
I know it's irrational, but I can't help it.

It's a bit like my arachnophobia I suppose?confused

henetha Mon 14-Jul-14 22:48:08

I understand, Galen, although I don't agree. ( I feel that way about Police officers.... just cannot imagine being helped in any way by a female policeman!)
Personally, I think women make wonderful priests and there is no good reason why they should not be Bishops.

Ana Mon 14-Jul-14 22:56:44

There are some wonderful and very tough policewomen out there, henetha. Sometimes there are cases they're better equipped to deal with, too - how can you not imagine 'being helped in any way' by one? confused

annodomini Mon 14-Jul-14 23:54:51

That's a strange sentiment about female police officers, henetha. If you had a serious accident or were mugged would you not expect help from the first PC on the scene, irrespective of gender? There is no such thing as a policeman or policewoman nowadays; they are all police officers.

JessM Tue 15-Jul-14 07:33:38

Goodness me! shock

Iam64 Tue 15-Jul-14 07:48:57

Goodness me indeed. Change the word woman to one like black, or asian, and we would be in trouble.

jinglbellsfrocks Tue 15-Jul-14 09:32:50

The role of Priest and Policeman are worlds apart.

jinglbellsfrocks Tue 15-Jul-14 09:34:07

I don't think anyone on here is, or would, change the word 'woman' to 'black' or 'asian'.

jinglbellsfrocks Tue 15-Jul-14 09:35:30

is changing, or would change (for the pedants)

suebailey1 Tue 15-Jul-14 10:20:55

My best friend is a newly ordained curate and she is a very happy bunny today- not that she has career aspirations she has 'joined up' to late for that but there are son many wonderful women priests doing good work and much loved by their parishoners.

jinglbellsfrocks Tue 15-Jul-14 10:23:31

Yes. I've no doubt if I met one I would change my mind.

henetha Tue 15-Jul-14 10:24:20

Yes, I know I am being irrational about police officers these days. And especially as my ex-daughter-in-law was one, and she was 6' tall and very strong with it! It's stupid, I know, but I just have this image of being rescued by a male officer if I was attacked.
Seriously, I believe in the equality of women and therefore will adjust my attitude .
And, yes, it is getting away from the subject. We were discussing women's role in the Church. Sorry! smile

HildaW Tue 15-Jul-14 15:51:05

It makes me so sad to read the comments from some of you about doubting the capabilities of women to do certain jobs. When one thinks of what our Grandmothers, Mothers, Sisters and, unfortunately even daughters, have to go through to gain their place in this world I cannot believe that there are still women who will not let them reach their full potential.

I'd be the first to disagree with anyone that stated all men and women are basically the same - we are not. The female is wired differently (although there will always be glorious exceptions). On the whole women tend to talk first, they tend towards compassion and caring and prefer not to hit first and ask questions later. However, there are many men who make the most amazing caring professionals and there are some pretty unpleasant women in positions of trust who have done some very nasty things.

All that being said I would never feel a female police-officer was less able or a female medic less capable nor would I doubt the faith and piety of a female priest ( and I'm not really religious - just try to be half way decent about things).

Please lets try to see the person, not the gender....judge by what someone does and says, not by which way they button their shirt.

jinglbellsfrocks Tue 15-Jul-14 15:58:16

The subject is/was women bishops, and therefore, priests. That has nothing to do with capability of women. It is likely to be a deep seated, and very personal, feeling. Developed over a lifetime of worship.

HildaW Tue 15-Jul-14 16:14:21

Is that not just prejudice by another name?

whitewave Tue 15-Jul-14 16:17:27

I have no doubt that if the world is still here in 500 years time, and there is such a thing as the Christian religion, women bishops will just be without any more thought. If you get my meaning!!!

goldengirl Tue 15-Jul-14 16:25:54

Perhaps more women in the Church will help to improve numbers in the congregations. I'm not a church member but have met women clerics and to have a female bishop I think is just great. I feel the same about female police officers too and I've met a few of those in my time in the courts and as colleagues

Purpledaffodil Tue 15-Jul-14 17:19:41

I am no theologian, but I understand that women priests were proscribed by St Paul in a letter addressing a particular local situation. Perhaps I have been fortunate, but it have met many remarkable women priests and I cannot imagine how you can say that a woman is ok to be a priest, but not somehow good enough for the higher ranks. That is not so much a glass ceiling as one of reinforced concrete. Hurrah for the Synod seeing sense this time!

HollyDaze Tue 15-Jul-14 19:23:37

You wouldn't think Britain has had laws regarding sex discrimination since 1975 would you! Somehow, the Church has been allowed to bypass that law.

It was all based on the 'fact' that the twelve disciples of Jesus were men and yet:

Christ says;"Where I shall be, there will be also my twelve ministers. But Mary Magdalene and John, the virgin, will tower over all my disciples and over all men who shall receive the mysteries in the Ineffable. And they will be on my right and on my left. And I am they, and they are I."

Sounds as though men and women were pretty equal to me.